Using Milliways

Milliways is our BBS (think chat room and message board with knobs on). Milliways is the best place to look to find a member of the admin team if you're having problems with any SUCS services. However, it can be a little confusing for the first time user. Read on and it won't be quite so painful (honest!).

Starting Milliways

To start Milliways you need to be logged into silver. See this tutorial to find out how.

You then start Milliways with the command "mw". Your screen should now look like this:

silver:~$ mw

# #
### ### ## ## ## ## +------------------------+
## ## ### ### | on |
### ## ## ## +------------------------+
###### # ## ## # ### ## #### #### ## ####
###### ## ## ## ## ## # # ## ## # ## #
# # ## ### ## ## ### ## # # ### ## ## ###
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## #### ###
# ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ### ### ###
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### # # ##
### #### #### #### #### #### # # ## # # ####

Milliways III - Release 2.13

Please enter name:

Sign up

The first time you start Milliways you have to sign up. This means you'll have to enter, user name (should be your SUCS user name), a password of your choice, your real name, and an contact email address. This information is required in addition to the information you provided when you joined SUCS as Milliways is open to everyone, and therefore does not use the members database.

Once you have registered you'll be deposited in the message board.

Please enter name: yourusername
Enter Password

And so on.

Hello yourusername.

Last logged out Thu Aug 19 20:27:55 2004


Enter the talker

Once you're logged into Milliways, you enter the talker by typing "talk":

{Notices}---* talk

Now entering the Talker. Use ".quit" to leave and ".help" for help.

Saying something

Once you're in the talker, you can type a line and press Enter to send it.

talk{0}-* i like pie [enter]


yourusername: i like pie

Leave the talker

To leave the talker type:

talk{0}-* !quit

Basic Commands

Now you can enter and leave, it's time to expand your repertoire.

The two most important commands in Milliways are !help for system and message board commands and .help for talker commands. These will explain in much more detail than I will what all of the available commands are and what they do.


Displays a list of "who" is currently using Milliways, and what room they are in.


Displays a list of who has been using Milliways "since" you were last on.

.room [number]

Changes what room you're in.

!beep on/off

Turn message beeps on or off.


(can be shortened to .e) Send emoted messages to people; for example:

.e can smell something


rollercow can smell something

You can also use:

.e's feet smell

which produces

rollercow's feet smell

(can be shortened to .sa) Say something to a single user; for example:

.sa vortex hello!

would show up as the following message on vortex's Milliways screen:

rollercow says: hello!

.sayto also does questions, by adding a ? to the end of the line; for example:

.sa vortex where is the next lecture?

appears on vortex's Milliways screen as:

rollercow asks: where is the next lecture?

You should now know enough to survive Milliways (until you meet Jo anyway)

Page last modified by rollercow on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 21:14:29 +0100